Speaker 1 00:00:07 From its world famous springs and rivers to its estuaries and aquifers. Florida's renowned for its natural treasures, but as Mark Twain has thought, to have equipped, whiskey is for drinking and waters for fighting. And whether you're talking about, we'll call a spring, the Peace River or the aquifer under our feet, water in Florida has caused it shared bare knuckled, brawls. This is water for fighting, where we discuss the personalities, challenges, and successes that got us to where we are today and the people who are tackling what lies ahead. I'm your host, Brett Cyphers. I spent the last 20 years working with and getting to know the folks who have dedicated their careers to Florida's water resources. Join me as we dive into topics like the water wars, spring restoration, hurricanes, and the future of drinking water in Florida through the voices of the people who made and make it happened.